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My Story

Chanukkah Challenge 2018

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Jewish tradition teaches us to place our Chanukiah on the outside of our door (or next to a window where it can be seen).

  • When do you feel safe (or unsafe) publicly demonstrating your Jewish identity? (Eg: do you feel safe wearing a Magen David? Wearing a Kippah? Walking into a synagogue?...)  Share a story or example.

  • How public are you, overall, with your Judaism? Share a story or example.

  • This Chanukkah, would you feel comfortable placing your Chanukiah  outside your door or in your window? Why/not?

  • Is it ever possible to feel too comfortable or too safe in your Jewish expression?

  • Do you ever feel like it would be easier to assimilate into your larger society?

Send us a 30-second video answering one or more of these questions. Thank you!  Email:

Listen and Scroll through Teen Responses to the Chanukkah Challenge

Robert C, Los Angeles
Ashley K.
Ben M, Connecticut
Wolfy H.
Maya G.
Michaela B
Shane B.
Gigi W.
Alyssa R.
Daniela S.
Jonathan A, Los Angeles
Abi Y, Los Angeles CA
Eden S, Los Angeles
Los Angeles
Oren H, Los Angeles, CA
Doron, Los Angeles
Adam S., Los Angeles
Abi Y, Los Angeles
Tyler B, Los Angeles
Amit H, Los Angeles
Sabrina C, Los Angeles
Sophia B, Los Angeles
Joey S, Los Angeles
Nikki, Los Angeles
Blake E, Los Angeles
Tamar F, Los Angeles
Nick K, Los Angeles
Tyler B, Los Angeles
Ali L, Los Angeles
Abi Y, Los Angeles CA USA
Israeli view
Chanukkah Challenge
Chanukkah challenge
Milken, Vilnius, Israel
Milken, Vilnius, Israel
Milken, Vilnius, Israel
Milken, Vilnius, Israel
Milken, Vilnius, Israel
Zach E.
Noa F.
Celine Z.
Jake D.
Ethan S.
Sara A.
Lauren S.

The Global Beit Midrash seeks to inspire young Jews throughout the world to connect, collaborate, and create through the paths of story, texts, culture, and social action.


Created by Students of Milken Community School


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