Video Project
Global Beit Midrash provides an opportunity for students to collaborate on projects to learn from each other.
Here is an initial project between Milken (Los Angeles) and Colegio Olamí (Mexico City). The goal of this project was for students to explore questions which enables them to understand what it is like to be a Jewish student each of their schools.

Project Steps
Step 1: Brainstorm - What are your top 5 question for getting to know students at another school?
Discuss and brainstorm at you school independently.
Step 2: Discuss and brainstorm together during a Global Beit Midrash meeting and settle on the 5 questions. These questions will guide your video interviews.
Come up with related questions to help those you interview answer the main questions.
Step 3: Record videos at each school. Interview friends, teachers, and other faculty and ask the questions from the prompt and the clarifying questions.
Step 4: Edit the video and get it ready to share.
Step 5: Share your school's video at the next Global Beit Midrash session.
What did you learn from watching the other school's video?
Guiding Questions
Interview students and teachers at your school and ask them the following questions:
If you could share with others one aspect of your school that makes you proud and could teach others, what would it be?
How do students with different beliefs interact with each other at school?
What does the Jewish bubble mean to you? Is it positive or negative?
For each of the above questions, write clarifying questions to focus responses and to help those you interview understand what you're asking.
We encourage you to also write questions to help continue the conversation after you (and others) watch the videos.
Present your interviews in a short video (3-5 minutes). We recommend using a video editing software.
Related Questions
If you could share with others one aspect of your school that makes you proud and could teach others, what would it be?
What does it mean to have pride in your school?
How may this pride be a good thing? How may it be a bad thing?
What are others' proud of about their school? How does this compare to what you said?
What is something about what you've learned from being at your school that you would like to teach others? How will you bring this lesson with you after you graduate?
How do students with different beliefs interact with each other at school?
Define: What is pluralism?
Do you think that your school does a good job creating an environment where students of different backgrounds are able to interact with each other? What are things you personally could do to make your school more inclusive?
How do students with different beliefs interact with each other outside of school?
What do students from your school and the partner school say about pluralism? What can you learn from others' responses?
What does the Jewish bubble mean to you? Is it positive or negative?
Define: What is a Jewish bubble?
What is the Jewish bubble like at your school?
What are ways the Jewish bubble is a good thing? What are ways it may be a bad thing?
After watching the videos, compare the responses about the Jewish bubble in your school to what students say about the Jewish bubble in another school?
Sharing our videos
If you could share with others one aspect of your school that makes you proud and could teach others, what would it be?
From Milken:
From Colegio Olamí:
How do students with different beliefs interact with each other at school?
From Milken:
From Colegio Olamí:
What does the Jewish bubble mean to you? Is it positive or negative?
From Milken:
From Colegio Olamí: