Shavuot celebrates our receiving the Torah.
It's a holiday about learning, celebrating,
and deepening our relationship with Torah.
The 2024 Prompt:
This year, we invite you to submit your favorite piece of text and questions related to it.
For your text, you can pick your favorite Jewish text (from one line to one paragraph) that feels meaningful and relevant to you or to the world today. Perhaps there’s something from a Jewish Studies class that stood out to you or something you’ve learned at camp or on your own.
For the questions, share 3-4 questions that help other students have a conversation with the text.
1-2 questions should focus on a close reading of the text itself. Some examples may be: What is the text saying? What does a particular word or phrase mean? Why is the text organized the way it is?
1-2 questions should be broader in focus. Think about questions that will help spark a discussion. Some examples may be: How does this question relate to your life? How does a theme from the text make you think about something differently or challenge you to live differently or better?
Below, you'll find a form to fill out. Add your text and at least three questions. We'll compile some of the texts and questions on the website and as a document that you can print off and use on Shavuot.
Let your voice be heard.
An Example
There was another incident involving a non-Jew who came before Shammai and said to Shammai: Convert me on condition that you teach me the entire Torah while I am standing on one foot. Shammai pushed him away with the builder’s cubit in his hand. The same non-Jew came before Hillel. He converted him and said to him: That which is hateful to you do not do to another; that is the entire Torah, and the rest is its interpretation. Go study. (Sefaria)
שׁוּב מַעֲשֶׂה בְּגוֹי אֶחָד שֶׁבָּא לִפְנֵי שַׁמַּאי. אָמַר לוֹ: גַּיְּירֵנִי עַל מְנָת שֶׁתְּלַמְּדֵנִי כׇּל הַתּוֹרָה כּוּלָּהּ כְּשֶׁאֲנִי עוֹמֵד עַל רֶגֶל אַחַת! דְּחָפוֹ בְּאַמַּת הַבִּנְיָן שֶׁבְּיָדוֹ. בָּא לִפְנֵי הִלֵּל, גַּיְירֵיהּ. אָמַר לוֹ: דַּעֲלָךְ סְנֵי לְחַבְרָךְ לָא תַּעֲבֵיד — זוֹ הִיא כׇּל הַתּוֹרָה כּוּלָּהּ, וְאִידַּךְ פֵּירוּשָׁהּ הוּא, זִיל גְּמוֹר.
Questions about the text itself:
Compare the responses of Shammai and Hillel to the potential convert.
Why do you think Shammai and Hillel respond the way they do?
Broader questions:
What are the main values or concerns of Hillel and Shammai?
When it comes to conversion or other aspects of life, is it better to have higher or more attainable standards? What are the dangers of standards being too high or too low?
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